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ARBOR (Active Response Bereavement Outreach) July 30, 2020

What is ARBOR?

ARBOR stands for Active Response Bereavement Outreach. Click here for more information.

ARBOR is a free service that offers short-medium term grief-counselling, practical/emotional support, appropriate referral support, volunteer lived-experience peer support and support groups to people who have been recently impacted by lost loved ones to suicide.

ARBOR suicide-bereavement counsellors can provide support and strategies for managing grief, as well as refer you to other Anglicare WA services if required. Counselling sessions are an hour long and can be one-on-one or involve multiple clients, with initial appointments able to be held at home.

ARBOR lived-experience peer volunteers are people who have experienced bereavement by suicide who wish to help others through similar situations. Lived-experience peer volunteers attend the ARBOR Newly Bereaved Groups in conjunction with the grief Counsellor to provide support and empathy to participants.

ARBOR is designed to be as inclusive as possible and is appropriate for a culturally and linguistically diverse range of clients. Suicide bereavement support is offered to Aboriginal people and communities through partnerships with local Aboriginal specialist services.

ARBOR offers suicide awareness training packages to professionals and communities. This training has been developed to provide insight into suicide bereavement and information regarding appropriate referral pathways.



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