Contact Name: David Parrick
Contact Number: 0447 107 491
Emergency Contact:
I am a Clinical Psychologist who came to psychology late – spending the first 20 years of my working life as an accountant. My work is focussed on individuals from late adolescence (16+) onwards. I particularly enjoy working with those who are ‘stuck’ and seeking change or who can’t see a way forward from their current difficulties and then helping them to develop skills and strategies to improve their life.
Therapeutically my areas of interest are in gender indentity and trauma. I have significant experience in using EMDR to assist people suffuering from PTSD and also in assisting individuals who are struggling with thier gender identity. I endeavour to keep the clinic as a safe space for all members of the LGBTQI+ community. In addition to my areas of interest, I also see people suffering from a wide range of mental health issues including depression, anxiety, worry and rumuniation, and men’s health (including sexual health). Finally, I work with adolescents and young adults with conduct issues who are in, or at risk of, contact with the justice system.
7 Manchester Street
Victoria Park